Easily find a perfect Graeagle or Plumas vacation rental loaded with amenities that is perfect for all different budgets.
Enjoy breath taking views, savor the clean mountain air while relaxing, golfing or taking in nearby mountain adventures
Luxury homes deserve luxury service. Take advantage of our friendly reservation services to help you plan the perfect getaway.
Looking to stay closer to downtown Graeagle? Great! We proudly offer vacataion rentals and town homes to suit your needs! Whether coming to discover championship golf, horseback riding, hiking, shopping or restuarants, take advantage of our world class service in one of our vacation homes or town homes. Our vacation planners would love to help you create the perfect mountain escape.
View our Graeagle Homes and Town Homes
Each of our homes and town homes are within walking distance of the Plumas Pines Golf Course and the Plumas Pines Rec Center. We are also located within 10 minutes of driving time to several other beautiful high Sierra golf courses, rivers and lakes. Drive down the hill and experience the charming village of Graeagle to enjoy great dining options and local events.
View All Plumas Pines Homes and Town Homes
Please, take a tour around our website. You will see that our goal is to find you the perfect vacation home or town home to make your vacation the best it can be!
We are using dynamic pricing, which prices each night for each home, on an individual basis: week nights versus weekend nights, low season versus peak summer seaonson and holidays.
(Additional Vacation Rental fees apply to the basic nightly rate.) Holiday rates also apply